
Beaupouyet, which can be translated as “beautiful little puy” dominates from the top of its hillock.

The Vallée de l’Isle from where one can admire the Forêt de la Double as well as the seven bell towers of the neighbouring communes. Traces of Gallo-Roman occupation have also been recognized. The church Notre-Dame de la Nativité in the heart of the village was restored in 1868. The chorus of the church dates from the 12th century and its wooden altarpiece from the 17th century.

The Forêt du Vignoble of Beaupouyet

The Forêt du Vignoble designated the public forest of Mussidan, Saint-Medard de Mussidan and Beaupouyet which extends over 150 hectares.

In this forest is the Vignoble barn. Why this name? The reason is quite simple: the plateau on which is located the barn which is used as a country room in the summer was devoted to the culture of the vine from which the owners of the Château de Fournils drew a sparkling wine with the name reflecting the nobility of the product: “The sparkling wine of the Marquis de Fournils”. A few vines still remain. “The vine runs in the forest…” Jean Ferrat could have sung because the successive owners have reforested the place abandoning the wine-growing rite.

Near the barn and the pink house, named because of the colour of its walls (which have become beige following a new staining), there is an arboretum regrouping about thirty species and a fountain discreetly lurking in the ferns. An old woman from Beaupouyet used to say that brides and grooms used to go there to dip their wedding rings, thus promising them a long-lasting and perhaps cloudless union.

Finally, it is worth mentioning that a loop of the footpaths passes through the forest, promising family walkers the discovery of a rich flora. A trained eye will discover four different kinds of heather, asphodel, alychnes, the modest Veronique and even some orchids.

The Forêt du Vignoble welcomes you, adults and children, in the nature with picnic area, sanitary, several footpaths, VTT and horseback rides in a unique environment and protected.

The forest proposes different footpaths to the discovery of fauna, flora, fountains and legends for children. More information about on different towpaths by clicking here od download the map of the forest:


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