Maison Bérano

  • French
Maison Berano produces tasty local products. Force-fed ducks cooked on the farm according to traditional know-how: foie gras, pâté, confits, stuffed necks, crickets, cooked dishes ...
Guided tour with free tasting all year round by reservation, groups minimum 7 people.
In summer, from July 22nd to August 8th, guided tour with demonstration of force-feeding and free tasting of 3 or 4 products on Thursday at 5.45 p.m., by reservation.
Gourmet shop on site.
Picnic at the farm on Friday evening from 23rd of July to 7th opf August, by reservation.


  • Maison Bérano 55 Route de Neuvic Bruc 24110 GRIGNOLS
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